This Saturday 12th May the next workshop is The Alien in the Mirror: forgive your self.
Look again at the person you seem to be. Who is the ‘you’ in the mirror, in the photo album, in other people’s image of you? Why are we so prickly about offences to our pride, so anxious about appearances, so mortified by our mistakes? Forgive your failures and your limitations, your insidious self-centredness and the person you wish you were or were not.
It is not you who are so vulnerable and open to attack that just a word, a little whisper that you do not like, a circumstance that suits you not, or an event that you did not anticipate upsets your world, and hurls it into chaos (T24 III). So who are you, who is the ‘you’ the Course is talking to?
This workshop will be more hands-on than usual, so bring your notebook and be prepared to leave your past behind…as, by the way, two of you did with your umbrellas last month. You must have been missing them!
See you soon.