references in brackets following quotations from the Course indicate the source
of the quotation. I have in principle followed the referencing system
established by the Course publishers and the Foundation for A Course in Miracles.
The first
letter in the brackets indicates the book where the quotation comes from, in the combined volume of the Course or from one of the two supplements:
T = Text
W = Workbook
M = Manual
C = Clarification of Terms
P = Psychotherapy supplement
S = The Song of Prayer supplement
following numbers then refer to Chapter, Section, Paragraph and Sentence, in
that order.
A B or C refer to subsections; in
= Introduction, ep = Epilogue.
Forgive and be forgiven (W122 6:4)
is in Workbook Lesson 122, paragraph 6: sentence 4
You are still convinced that your understanding is a
powerful contribution to the truth, and makes it what it is (T18 V 7:5)
…is in Text, Chapter 18, Section V, paragraph 7: sentence
Note: The 1992 second edition and
subsequent editions of the Course are numbered with chapter and verse, but earlier
editions and the original green British version are not, and the page numbering
is different. To find a quotation there you need to look for the given chapter
in the Contents, and count the sub-sections, paragraphs and sentences for
yourself. Or contact me and I will give you the page number.