
Welcome to The Unlearning School. The site is about working with A Course in Miracles: for more about the Course and further links, see below.
A Course in Miracles
is a complete course of learning for any individual to study in private for their own relief and enlightenment.
The purpose of the commentaries here is to clarify my own thoughts about the Course and to invite further consideration of this profound and beautiful work.
Some of the ideas ... you will find hard to believe, and others may seem to be quite startling. This does not matter ...You are asked only to use them. It is their use that will give them meaning to you, and will show you that they are true.
Remember only this; you need not believe the ideas, you need not accept them, and you need not even welcome them. Some of them you may actively resist. None of this will matter, or decrease their efficacy. But do not allow yourself to make exceptions in applying the ideas the workbook contains, and whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them. Nothing more than that is required.
(Workbook, introduction)
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Make this year different by making it all the same

Just as the year ended, Ken Wapnick died, his death as unexpected and as unassuming as his life and work have been. As a close friend of Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford, as the indefatigable editor and teacher of A Course in Miracles, Dr Wapnick delivered the Course to us as a midwife helps to bring a child into the world. His insight and inspiration remain, online and in his books, videos and audio tapes. His warmth and joyous humour live on in the minds and hearts of those who were happy enough to meet him in person.
Having spent his working life teaching us that life is not in the body, but in the deathless mind, now he demonstrates it. This is what the Course says about death: the truth is true, and nothing else is.
Appearances come and go in endless succession; a life seems to end here, another begins there. But in reality we are not born and we do not die. An idea takes shape in our perception for a while, then our perception changes. For peace of mind we need to remember to hold fast to the idea even when the shape seems to have gone.

We grieve for the passing of what was, and fear the still formless soon-to-be. But each new thing, new year, new person, new experience brings its own beauty, when you remember to see look for it. When you have seen it in someone or something that is now gone, you will recognize it again in quite another place or person. 'Christ plays in ten thousand places, Lovely in eyes and lovely in limbs not his...' Think of anyone with love and gratitude, and every one is touched with grace.

All day I have watched the purple vine leaves
Fall into the water.
And now in the moonlight they still fall,
But each leaf is fringed with silver.

(Amy Lowell, Autumn)

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