When I was growing up, we were taught '"I want" doesn't get.' But now the fashion has swung right the other way. The message today is: 'Follow your dream, do what you love, go for it, the sky's the limit.' So you are free to ask, what do I want? In fact, it is essential, for if you do not know what you want, how can you make decisions at all? But we can be conflicted about what we want, let alone about asking for it.
We are all incomplete and striving
for completion. Even if we know that what we want is something intangible - like
a happier state of mind - we still look for specific solutions to fix any lack
as we experience it. From the large needs we all know - for food, for money, for
supportive relationships, for health, for shelter and warmth - to the minor and
personal ones like wanting to paint your room a different colour or get a new
umbrella to replace the one you left on the train, we are always wanting something.
But we may not know what exactly,
or why, or how much we want it, or what to do about it. In this workshop we
will look at all of these; along with the meaning of scarcity and abundance,
the power of the mind to choose, and what the choices are. What is the
connection between the ambiguous granting of wishes in fairy stories, the
lilies of the field, the famous scene in Oliver
Twist and the two voices described in
A Course in Miracles: one which gleefully whispers 'Seek and do not find'
(T12 IV 1), and the even more silent one which promises 'If you ask you will
receive' (T11 VIII 5)?
What do you want, what do you not want, how can you know what is best
for you anyway - and where do such questions lead you? Begin writing your wish-list
now! for it will keep changing as you get closer to the heart of what you want.
Saturday 8th November
10.30 am to 2.30 pm
31 Harrow Way, Andover SP10 3RQ
Let me know if you would like to come and have not already booked.
Please send your payment in advance to confirm a place.
I can send you an easy Paypal invoice by email, or my bank
details for online transfer; or send your cheque made out to Anna Powell, to 31
Harrow Way, Andover, Hampshire SP10 3RQ. Thank you!
See you soon.
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