
Welcome to The Unlearning School. The site is about working with A Course in Miracles: for more about the Course and further links, see below.
A Course in Miracles
is a complete course of learning for any individual to study in private for their own relief and enlightenment.
The purpose of the commentaries here is to clarify my own thoughts about the Course and to invite further consideration of this profound and beautiful work.
Some of the ideas ... you will find hard to believe, and others may seem to be quite startling. This does not matter ...You are asked only to use them. It is their use that will give them meaning to you, and will show you that they are true.
Remember only this; you need not believe the ideas, you need not accept them, and you need not even welcome them. Some of them you may actively resist. None of this will matter, or decrease their efficacy. But do not allow yourself to make exceptions in applying the ideas the workbook contains, and whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them. Nothing more than that is required.
(Workbook, introduction)
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Next Workshop: The Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey:

a new look at the hero archetype
and the spiritual journey

Saturday March 5th
Harrow Way, Andover, Hampshire SP10 3RQ
10.30 am to 2.30 pm

Every day the media talk about the fight against disease, the fight against crime, the fight against injustice. Every victim is a 'hero', every perpetrator a 'monster'. For these ancient archetypes run deep in our collective psyche. Every one of us see ourselves as walking a path beset with danger and ordeals of every kind. Every one of us the hero of our own story.

We will begin by looking at Joseph's Campbell's study of the hero in world mythology, with its classic cast of heroes and mentors, helpers and villains, its stories of leaving and returning, monsters and gifts, despair and transformation. How does this fit in with the Course's concepts of 'the hero of the dream' and 'the journey home'?

The Course changes our perception of life as a battleground to life as a process of awakening. It gives us a road-map for a 'journey without distance', a new identity and magic glasses to see everything differently. And it frees us from old myths and patterns of thinking, not by rejecting them but by giving them fresh relevance in our own lives.

Bookings and enquiries: anna@unlearningschool.com
Telephone 01264 395579

The full notes of each workshop are available by email attachment after the workshop, for those who are not able to come but are interested in the topic.


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