
Welcome to The Unlearning School. The site is about working with A Course in Miracles: for more about the Course and further links, see below.
A Course in Miracles
is a complete course of learning for any individual to study in private for their own relief and enlightenment.
The purpose of the commentaries here is to clarify my own thoughts about the Course and to invite further consideration of this profound and beautiful work.
Some of the ideas ... you will find hard to believe, and others may seem to be quite startling. This does not matter ...You are asked only to use them. It is their use that will give them meaning to you, and will show you that they are true.
Remember only this; you need not believe the ideas, you need not accept them, and you need not even welcome them. Some of them you may actively resist. None of this will matter, or decrease their efficacy. But do not allow yourself to make exceptions in applying the ideas the workbook contains, and whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them. Nothing more than that is required.
(Workbook, introduction)
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Start the Day 8 See someone differently

Take five minutes longer in bed to start the day with this practice of one of the Course lessons (W78):
...select one person you have used as target for your grievances, and lay the grievances aside and look at him. Someone, perhaps, you fear and even hate; someone you think you love who angered you; someone you call a friend, but whom you see as difficult at times or hard to please, demanding, irritating or untrue to the ideal he should accept as his, according to the role you set for him.

You know the one to choose; his name has crossed your mind already.

(I love that line.)


You will review his faults, the difficulties you have had with him, the pain he caused you, his neglect, and all the little and the larger hurts he gave. You will regard his body with its flaws and better points as well, and you will think of his mistakes and even of his "sins."

This is very different from those angry dialogues in your head, or going over and over any point of contention, or picking at your sores. This is time spent differently. Beginning with a conscious decision to look at someone whom events, or emotions, have obscured to you, you choose to see past the grievances or the guilt as you see it (of either of you), you lay down your resistances and objections, and pay full attention to him or her.

What you are looking for is the spark of life and light in them that you have perhaps not wanted to see. What you are offering now is appreciation, respect, compassion, acknowledgement - a willingness, as it were, to hear them out. What you are feeling for is a sense of their presence here with you.

The purpose of this few minutes is to completely suspend judgement, unless it is to judge in favour. Behind the barricade of expectations, accusations, wishes and labels that you have piled up between you, there is someone as much in need of unconditional acceptance, of being loved and delighted in, as you are. If you can allow yourself to even for an instant glimpse what is true in them, you will experience what is true in you. You can only see the light in them with the light in you. You don't even have to like them! As E M Forster said, Only connect.

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